MMJ12503 - Computer Programming
Semester 1 academic session 2022/23
This course introduces to Computers and Computing Fundamentals, Program Structure, Printing, Comments, Variables, Arithmetic Operations, Math Functions, Input/ Output, Control Structure, Looping, Functions, Numeric Arrays and their application on solving engineering problems. C programming language is utilized in this course.
CO1 :- Ability to construct C programs with the desired input/ output.
CO2 :- Ability to construct C programs with control structure and looping.
CO3 :- Ability to construct C programs with functions and numeric arrays.
CO2 :- Ability to construct C programs with control structure and looping.
CO3 :- Ability to construct C programs with functions and numeric arrays.
Since this course is offered by a team teaching method, I'm responsible for the third-course outcome of the ability to construct C programs with functions and numeric arrays. Therefore, the materials on this webpage are limited to CO3 only.
Course's materials
This is the
Planning after mid-semester break
Numeric arrays
Research activities involving computer programming